When deciding between purchasing a new or used boat, there are several factors to consider, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s delve deeper into the comparison between new and used boats to help you make an informed decision.

New Boats:


  1. Get Exactly What You Want: Opting for a new boat allows you to customize every aspect to suit your preferences perfectly. From the style and model to the colors and additional features, you can create your dream boat tailored precisely to your liking.
  2. No Worries About Condition: Since new boats come straight from the factory, you won’t have to fret about previous owners or hidden issues. Purchasing new offers peace of mind, knowing that you’re starting with a clean slate and a vessel in pristine condition.
  3. Warranty: Most new boats come with warranties provided by the manufacturer. This warranty coverage ensures that any potential issues or defects will be addressed by the manufacturer, often including complimentary servicing for a certain period, thereby reducing your out-of-pocket expenses.
  4. Lower Maintenance Costs: New boats typically require minimal repairs initially, and many of these may be covered under the warranty. As a result, you can expect lower maintenance costs during the early stages of ownership, allowing you to allocate your budget elsewhere.
  5. More Efficient and Tech-Savvy: Newer boat models often incorporate advanced technology and engineering innovations, resulting in enhanced fuel efficiency and improved performance. Investing in a new boat can translate to long-term savings on fuel costs and a more enjoyable boating experience with the latest features and amenities.
  6. Better Financing Options: Dealers and manufacturers frequently offer attractive financing packages for new boat purchases, including low-interest rates and flexible payment terms. These financing options can make acquiring a new boat more accessible and affordable for buyers.

Used Boats:


  1. Save Money: One of the most significant advantages of buying a used boat is the cost savings compared to purchasing new. Used boats are generally priced lower than their new counterparts, allowing you to either save money or potentially afford a higher-quality vessel within your budget.
  2. Access to Better Models: If you have your sights set on a specific boat model that may be too expensive when purchased new, you may find it more affordable in the used market. Buying used expands your options and provides access to a broader range of boat models and features.
  3. Less Depreciation: Unlike new boats, which experience rapid depreciation in value during the initial years of ownership, used boats tend to depreciate at a slower rate. By purchasing a used boat, you can mitigate the financial impact of depreciation and potentially retain more of your investment over time.
  4. Tested Technology and Extras: Used boats often come equipped with proven technology and additional equipment installed by previous owners. This means you can benefit from features that have been tried and tested, potentially saving you time and money on upgrades or modifications.
  5. Shorter Wait Time: With the high demand for new boats and lengthy waiting lists at times, purchasing a used boat can expedite the process of acquiring a vessel. Instead of waiting for a new boat to be manufactured and delivered, you can find a suitable used boat more quickly and begin enjoying your boating adventures sooner.
  6. Detailed Inspection: Before finalizing a purchase, used boats typically undergo thorough inspections to assess their condition and identify any potential issues. This pre-purchase inspection provides buyers with peace of mind and the opportunity to negotiate the price based on the boat’s condition and any necessary repairs or maintenance.

Whether you ultimately decide to purchase a new or used boat, Total Boat Sales offers a wide selection of options to suit your preferences and budget. Visit our website to explore our inventory and embark on your boating journey with confidence!